Thursday, January 22, 2009

Walking the walk

So, hey, with the temperature hitting almost 60 degrees, this little sick girl got herself off the couch and out onto the sidewalk today, managing two walks that totaled about six blocks! The left leg is still sore in some spots and numb in others, but tonight I noticed that I could actually lift my left foot about a foot off the ground -- that's about twice as high as a couple of days ago -- so I'm thinking the walking and the stairs are making a difference already.

I'm still sort of afraid to sit, so I'm easing into it with a minute here and a minute there. And while I'm now able to put dishes into (and take 'em out of) the dishwasher and do limited laundry, I'm leaving grocery shopping and other assorted tasks to the hubby and kids. We're still getting dinner several times a week from local friends (the meals have all been delicious, by the way) and family (ditto on the meals), which is a huge help -- bigger than I ever imagined. So thank you to all!

In other news, Hannah-the-student-nurse gave her first shot yesterday -- to me! -- and she did it like an expert. Tomorrow she's got her first hospital experience, so I can't wait to hear all about it. Stay tuned.

Until next time ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Paula --

OOOoooh, how incredibly symbolic that you were released on January 20 from all that paraphernalia that was literally dragging you down! Your upbeat comments are amazing, and I'm so happy you're walking, sitting, moving, looking forward, etc. Kudos to your dear sister and family . . . You've already sprinted across the finish line past the worst of this thing -- and now there's just pure healing and the prize of great health ahead!! What an inspiration for anyone who faces a "mis"adventure they don't want.

God's blessings to you always!
Love, Robin