Wednesday, January 7, 2009

100 percent better than yesterday

Paula is feeling 100 percent better than yesterday, and is hoping that percentage increase continues each day. She is now able to eat real food, and while that's a definite plus, she finds she's not that hungry. (Hey, lying on your back doesn't help work up an appetite.)

Yesterday she walked six times up and down the hall and has already completed one walk this morning with more to come. Sleeping is tough for her as she can't move from her back, so she does get tired in the evening (she even fell asleep during "Scrubs"--one of her favorite shows!).

Her throat feels much better, but she would still like to begin seeing visitors on Thursday--Room 1512, Barnes West Hospital on Olive, just west of I-270.

Doctors say everything is looking good, but keep those prayers coming.

Till tomorrow,
Paula's Pinch Blogger


Karen H. said...

Hi, Paula! Everyone here at work is so pleased to hear your surgery went well and that you're recovery is coming along just fine! Thanks for keeping us up to speed through this blog--you and your pinch blogger. It's nice to know you're just on the other side of this screen somewhere, clicking away on that handy lil' pain-management button. :o) We miss you. Take good care, Paula.

Karen H.

Lisa B. said...

Hey Paula, Lisa B. at LWR here... THinking of you and praying for you like mad! Glad to hear that things are going well. Please take care and let others take care of you. And, of course, don't forget that lovely pain mgmt button! Can't wait to see you when you're "all better" -- I'll buy the wine (isn't it an antioxidant?). XOXOXO, Lisa B.