Sunday, November 22, 2009

To-do list

So, I've checked the "conquer cancer" box on my to-do list, but I still have a few things left to do:
  • get my port removed. It's "out-patient" surgery, and I should be able to get it taken care of within a couple of weeks at Barnes Jewish West. Wow, even though it never really bothered me (I always forgot it was there until they had to access it in the chemo pod), it will be nice to have a normal chest again, one without that little triangular "bump."
  • get my "bum" leg back to normal. For a couple of weeks now, my left leg (the one they took all the lymph nodes out of) has been sore and I've been limping a bit. It hurts on the inside of my thigh when I put pressure on that leg or raise it (going up steps is rather painful 'cause it involves both movements). I saw my radiation guy last Friday, who checked it over and even pulled up my CT and PET pictures on his computer, but he's not sure what caused it (I think it started after I worked out on a treadmill at work, so I'm thinking I pulled a muscle or something). Anyway, he's given me the name of a physical therapy doctor, so I plan to call her office tomorrow. It would be nice to know what I can do to get it back to normal, exercise-wise.

I'll be sure to update you on both of my "to-do" items when I know something.

Until next time ...


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