Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The 'Happy New Year' surgery

My surgery is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 2, at 7:30 a.m., at Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital on Olive Blvd. I'm happy my Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations will be undisturbed, but, man, I'm sure hoping those doctors don't like to party!

The surgery will involve two surgeons -- one for the tumor, and another who's a specialist in removing pelvic-area lymph nodes. My left lymph node tested positive for cancer, so they're going to check the right with a needle biopsy sometime before the operation. The plan is to remove whichever lymph nodes are cancerous.

I'll be in the hospital probably a week or so, but I'll make sure to designate a "pinch blog-writer" to update this site while I'm out of commission. (I can see it now: "Paula sure sleeps a lot." "Paula is cranky." "Paula thinks the whole world revolves around HER!") At this point, I'm not sure when I'll be back in the office -- it all depends on how fast I heal and whether or not there are any complications. But, "February sometime" is a safe bet.

So, keep those prayers coming -- especially on Jan. 2!

Until next time ...

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