Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Surgeon visit

So, today I visited my primary surgeon, Dr. F, who says I'm doing great. It was just a check-up, with another scheduled for late September, but he seemed to be very impressed by my progress and surprised that I'm walking two miles a day (I think because the lymph-node surgery was so extensive and has left much of my left thigh numb).

"You should write about your experience to encourage others," he said, so I told him I've been "blogging" about it since last December!

Anyway, I'm feeling well, except for the numb fingers and toes, but that hasn't stopped me from typing and walking (or drinking wine), so it can't be THAT bad, can it?

My last chemo treatment -- number 12 (but who's counting?) -- is scheduled for this Thursday, two days away, and I'm hoping it goes fast. So, bye-bye "Fanny" (the "chemo-to-go" with pump in a fannypack) -- it's been real, and it's been fun, but it hasn't been "real fun."

Stay tuned ...

Until next time ...

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